Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What to read and when

Well, since this blog is about reading the Bible together then let's get down to it. Which raises the question, what are we going to read? The Bible is a large book made up of 66 different books. There are historical books, poetic books, biographies (of a sort), prophetic books, wisdom books etc. So where to begin?

That's where all of you who want to participate come in. Maybe there are parts of the Bible you've read often and others you have completely ignored, but would like to read now; or books that have always intrigued you and you would like to learn more about. Please put up a post to say what books you would like to read.

And whilst waiting for that to happen I suggest we start reading now. To begin with I suggest reading the book of the prophet Jonah. It's short and fairly easy to read but more importantly I think, it draws us right to the heart of God.

Our aim here is to read through the whole Bible eventually. But we are not setting ourselves a time limit. But neither should we approach this in a leisurely way. Jonah is not hard to read, so how about we start posting on it on Monday. Impressions, questions, doubts, difficulties: all are welcome as we set of on this journey through God's word.

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